Why I write
On why my pen moves
A few of you have ask me why I write, and particularly why I write as much as I do. I write for many reasons, some which I share with most other writers, others which are a bit more idiosyncratic.
This meta-article is a list of reasons. Many articles are born of a combination of many reasons.
I’ve ordered the reasons from most common to least common.
I write to understand
When I read about a new idea, I’m inclined to reflect and write about it.
Because one of the best ways to make sure that one has really understood the idea is to try and explain it to someone else.
I write to learn more
This might seem a little counterintuitive or even strange.
But when you write, the page speaks to you. More words emerge from the words you’ve written. More ideas emerge from the ideas you’ve already put down.
It is like having a conversation with the page. Obviously, it is not the page that replies, but your subconscious. But it is a very effective strategy.
I write to record
I have many notebooks, and take notes all the time; when I’m reading, when I’m talking to someone, even when I watch movies.
Some of these notes, I like to share with y’all. And hence morph into articles.
I write to create
Some of my articles begin with nothing. Meaning that I have nothing in mind to write. I just start with a blank paper or screen, and just write or type. Sometimes, something interesting comes up.
This technique is common amongst those who write fiction, and also in other fields of art like painting and music.
It might not be the most reliable way to produce an article, but it is definitely one of the most enjoyable. And sometimes can even be magical.
I write to solve problems
When I need to solve a problem, a technique that works quite well is to pretend a solution exists and write about it.
As before, it is the page that contributes the solution. Not your conscious mind.
I write to communicate (or inspire or entertain)
This is one of the top reasons many people write, and you might be surprised to find it so low on the list.
But I don’t seem to have too many ideas which I want to communicate aggressively or urgently. Hence these articles are fairly rare.
There are also some reasons which I try to avoid.
I don’t write to “market” myself
Quite a few people recognize me through what I’ve written, and occasionally I’ve also received business opportunities as a result of my writing.
However, I try to avoid explicitly writing “marketing” articles for two reasons.
Firstly, it seems to cramp my style and I don’t really like the articles I tend to produce in “self-marketing mode”.
Secondly, if it looks like marketing, then it is bad marketing. And sadly, my “marketing” articles look exactly like that — “marketing articles”.
I don’t write to earn money
I earn a small amount of money from my articles, but I don’t rely on them as a realistic income stream. Again, for two reasons.
Firstly, as before it curtails my style. It is not difficult to earn a reasonable amount of money from writing, but you need to “adapt” your style to make your articles “engaging” and “click-worthy”. These are words that I don’t like.
Secondly, and more simply, there are far easier ways to make money than writing.
As always, thanks for reading!