August 13, 2019
Follow-ups/ideas from meetings, reading
On Naming Things [1]
Can we talk about anything without that thing existing in our mind? For example, when we say “George Washington liked apples” doesn’t some abstraction of George Washington live in our heads?
On Democracy [1]
What is the ultimate justification for Democracy?
On Universals [1]
What is the point of universals? And primitives?
On Sparta [1]
Were the Spartan’s actually successful? Were they better or worse than the other Greek states? How is one state better or worse than another?
On Dynamic Pricing
What is it and how does it work?
On Dividing Equity
How should the founders of startups choose to divide equity?
On Test Driven Development
How can Development and Testing merged? More generally, how can human coders be restricted to only doing creative and interesting things, and machines be assigned all the boring non-creative tasks?
On Randomness
Is a (fair) coin toss random? As you toss it multiple times, the number of heads converges to the number of tails. This is predictable. Hence, is it random?
On Creately [2]
Should use it more often. How does one start expressing an idea in the form of a picture or diagram? What sort of things will encourage that “first step”?
On Writing
Why should one write? What are the benefits of writing? What can I write about writing?
BR on Writing [1]
First emerse yourself in the content. When the content will write itself. Should I write some Algorithm for writing?
On Humans vs. Machines
Drawing a clear line. Creativity. The future of jobs. AI.
On Design, and testing designs
The Noob test. The Drawing test. What other test might there? I should have something which I can pass on to a designer and get some feedback.
[1] A History of Western Philosophy, Bertrand Russell